
Note on The War of Art

The War of Art

  • Book 1: Resistance: Defining the Enemy
  • Book 2: Combating Resistance: Turning Pro
  • Book 3: Beyond Resistance: The Higher Realm

This document is a book by Steven Pressfield titled “The War of Art”, which explores the concept of Resistance as the main obstacle to creative and personal fulfillment.


Resistance is defined as a negative force that prevents us from doing our work and achieving our potential. It manifests in many forms, such as fear, procrastination, self-doubt, distraction, and rationalization.

Overcoming Resistance

The author argues that the only way to overcome Resistance is to adopt a professional mindset, which means showing up every day, being committed, disciplined, and dedicated to our craft, regardless of external rewards or recognition.

Role of Inspiration, Muses, and Angels

The author also discusses the role of inspiration, muses, and angels as allies and guides in our creative journey. He believes that there is a higher realm of intelligence and creativity that we can access when we do our work with passion and integrity.

Personal Stories and Anecdotes

The author shares his own personal stories and anecdotes, as well as examples from other artists, writers, entrepreneurs, and historical figures, to illustrate the principles and challenges of the war of art. He also offers practical advice and tips on how to deal with Resistance and become a professional.

Important points

  • Resistance and Unhappiness: The author explains how Resistance manifests as a feeling of unhappiness, boredom, restlessness, and dissatisfaction in our lives. He warns us not to fall for the consumer culture that exploits our unhappiness and distracts us from doing our work. He urges us to overcome Resistance by doing the work that our inner genius calls us to do.
  • Resistance and Fear: The author reveals that fear is a sign of Resistance and an indicator of what we have to do. He says that the more scared we are of a work or calling, the more important it is to our soul’s evolution. He advises us to face our fear and do the work anyway, knowing that once we get into action, our fear will recede.
  • Turning Pro: The author contrasts the amateur and the professional, and shows how the latter has learned to deal with Resistance by adopting a disciplined, committed, and humble attitude. He says that turning pro is a decision, an act of will, that we can make at any moment1. He encourages us to turn pro and do our work out of love and respect for ourselves and our craft.
  • Beyond Resistance: The Higher Realm: The author explores the idea of a higher realm, a dimension beyond the material world, where unseen forces such as muses, angels, and the Self reside. He says that when we do our work, we connect with this realm and receive inspiration, guidance, and assistance. He suggests that we invoke the muse before we start our work and thank her when we finish.