
Alexander Ong's 20 rules

  1. Climb the Right Mountain: Focus on what brings you joy and aligns with your definition of success.
  2. Prioritize Health: Your health is your most valuable asset; take care of it through sleep, diet, and exercise.
  3. Daily Habits Matter: Your daily actions shape your life; prioritize habits that lead to your goals.
  4. Take Responsibility: Own your life and decisions; don’t wait for someone to save you.
  5. Bias to Action: Take action on what matters; life is short, and inaction is the real failure.
  6. Consistency Over Time: Success comes from consistent effort over a long period.
  7. Choose Life Partner Wisely: A supportive partner can significantly impact your success and happiness.
  8. Learn from Hard Times: Challenges provide growth and clarity about what truly matters.
  9. Develop Public Speaking: It’s a powerful skill that opens many opportunities.
  10. Positive Self-Talk: Speak to yourself kindly and supportively.
  11. Simplify Life: Less clutter leads to clearer thinking and focused action.
  12. Be Present: Give your full attention to loved ones and important moments.
  13. Compete with Yourself: Focus on self-improvement rather than comparing with others.
  14. Accept Not Everyone Will Like You: Be true to yourself despite others’ opinions.
  15. Clear Priorities: Define what makes a day productive and work towards it.
  16. Take Risks: Stretch beyond your comfort zone to achieve extraordinary results.
  17. Focus on Positives: What you focus on grows; choose gratitude over complaints.
  18. Adapt to Change: Plans may fail, but they can lead to unexpected opportunities.
  19. Fear Regret, Not Failure: Taking action, even if it leads to failure, is better than living with regret.
  20. Live with Purpose: Discover and share your unique gifts and talents.
  21. Self-Awareness: Knowing yourself is key to personal development.
  22. Appreciate Progress: Be grateful for how far you’ve come, even if you’re not where you want to be.
  23. Declutter Your Calendar: Make space for meaningful activities.
  24. Do the Work: Avoiding tasks prevents progress; action brings clarity.
  25. Tackle Important Tasks Early: Use your peak energy for crucial work.
  26. Be Patient: Success often requires enduring the beginner phase and learning slowly.
  27. Plan from the Future: Make choices today that align with your ideal future.
  28. Upgrade Your Network: Surround yourself with people who support your growth.
  29. Commit to Learning: Spend time daily to deepen your knowledge.
  30. Shape Your Destiny: Your thoughts and actions create your reality.
  31. Make a Difference: Focus on adding value to others’ lives.
  32. Embrace the Unknown: Unknown paths can lead to rewarding experiences.
  33. Wise Spending: Invest wisely rather than spending to impress others.
  34. Do What Makes You Alive: Focus on activities that bring joy and fulfillment.
  35. Prepare for Seasons: Accept that life has good and bad seasons.
  36. Live in the Present: Don’t tie happiness to future events; focus on what you can control now.
  37. Listen to Your Heart: Trust your intuition and inner wisdom.
  38. Seek Relevant Advice: Take advice from those who have achieved what you aspire to.
  39. Lead Yourself First: Effective leadership starts with self-leadership.
  40. It’s Never Too Late: Make changes to align your habits with your desired life.