
Note on Soft Skills for Developers, Sonmez

Here are some notes to help you learn from the book, based on the parts you specified:

  • Section 1: Career
    • Treat your career like a business. Think of yourself as a service provider who can offer value to your clients or employers. Define your goals and plan your actions accordingly.
    • Set good career goals. Start with a big, general goal and then break it down into smaller, more specific goals. Make sure your goals are realistic, measurable, and aligned with your values.
    • Develop your people skills. Learn how to communicate effectively, work well with others, and handle difficult situations. People skills are essential for building relationships, influencing decisions, and advancing your career.
    • Create an effective resume. Your resume is your marketing tool that showcases your skills, experience, and achievements. Use a clear, concise, and professional format. Highlight your accomplishments and quantify your impact. Tailor your resume to the specific job you’re applying for.
    • Hack the job interview. Prepare well for the interview by researching the company, the role, and the interviewer. Practice common questions and scenarios. Dress appropriately and show up on time. Be confident, honest, and enthusiastic. Ask smart questions and follow up after the interview.
    • Choose your career path. There are three main career paths for software developers: corporate, freelance, and entrepreneur. Each one has its own pros and cons, and requires different skills and strategies. Choose the one that suits your personality, goals, and lifestyle.
    • Specialize in a niche. Specializing in a specific area of software development can help you stand out from the crowd, increase your value, and attract more opportunities. Find a niche that you’re passionate about, that has high demand, and that you can master.
    • Know your options. There are different types of companies you can work for, such as startups, small businesses, large corporations, or non-profits. Each one has its own culture, structure, and expectations. Know what you’re looking for and what you’re willing to compromise on.
    • Climb the corporate ladder. If you want to advance your career in a corporate environment, you need to demonstrate your leadership, initiative, and results. Seek feedback, mentorship, and visibility. Network with influential people and volunteer for challenging projects. Negotiate your salary and promotions.
    • Be a professional. Being a professional means having a high standard of quality, ethics, and responsibility in your work. It also means respecting your colleagues, clients, and stakeholders, and delivering on your promises. Being a professional can help you build trust, reputation, and credibility.
    • Get along with others. Getting along with your coworkers and your boss is crucial for your career success and satisfaction. Learn how to collaborate, cooperate, and communicate effectively. Avoid conflicts, gossip, and politics. Be supportive, respectful, and helpful.
    • Don’t get religious about technology. Technology is constantly changing and evolving, and so should you. Don’t get attached to a specific tool, language, or framework. Be open-minded, curious, and adaptable. Learn new things and experiment with different options. Use the best tool for the job, not the one you’re most comfortable with.
    • Quit your job and work for yourself. Working for yourself can give you more freedom, flexibility, and fulfillment, but it also comes with more risks, challenges, and responsibilities. Before you quit your job, make sure you have a viable idea, a solid plan, and enough savings. Build your portfolio, network, and client base. Manage your time, money, and stress.
    • Get started freelancing. Freelancing is a way of working for yourself without creating a product. You offer your services to different clients on a project basis. To succeed as a freelancer, you need to market yourself, find clients, negotiate contracts, deliver quality work, and get paid. You also need to handle your taxes, insurance, and legal issues.
    • Become a product entrepreneur. A product entrepreneur is someone who creates a software product and sells it to customers. This can be a web app, a mobile app, a desktop app, or any other kind of software solution. To become a product entrepreneur, you need to validate your idea, build your product, launch it, and grow it. You also need to deal with marketing, sales, customer service, and competition.
    • Start a startup. A startup is a type of business that aims to create a new, innovative, and scalable product or service that solves a problem or meets a need. Startups are risky, but they can also be rewarding. To start a startup, you need to find a co-founder, a problem, and a solution. You also need to find funding, customers, and traction. You need to be prepared to pivot, fail, and learn.
    • Work remotely. Working remotely means working from anywhere other than a traditional office, such as your home, a coworking space, or a coffee shop. Working remotely can offer you more flexibility, autonomy, and productivity, but it also requires more discipline, communication, and collaboration. You need to have the right tools, environment, and mindset to work remotely effectively.
  • Section 2: Marketing yourself
    • Learn the basics of marketing yourself. Marketing yourself means promoting your skills, experience, and personality to potential employers, clients, or customers. Marketing yourself can help you find better opportunities, increase your income, and achieve your career goals. To market yourself effectively, you need to have a clear value proposition, a target audience, and a strategy.
    • Build your personal brand. Your personal brand is the image and reputation that you project to the world. It’s what makes you unique, memorable, and trustworthy. To build your personal brand, you need to define your vision, mission, and values. You also need to create a consistent and professional online presence, such as a website, a blog, a portfolio, and social media profiles.
    • Create a successful blog. A blog is a powerful tool for marketing yourself, as it allows you to showcase your expertise, share your insights, and connect with your audience. To create a successful blog, you need to choose a niche, a platform, and a domain name. You also need to create valuable, relevant, and engaging content, and promote it to your target audience.
    • Build your brand on YouTube. YouTube is a popular platform for marketing yourself, as it allows you to reach a large and diverse audience with your videos. To build your brand on YouTube, you need to create a channel, a logo, and a banner. You also need to create high-quality, informative, and entertaining videos, and optimize them for search and discovery.
    • Add value to others. Adding value to others means providing something that is useful, helpful, or beneficial to them. Adding value to others can help you build trust, credibility, and goodwill. It can also help you attract more opportunities, referrals, and recognition. You can add value to others by sharing your knowledge, solving their problems, giving feedback, or offering support.
    • Use social networks to grow your brand. Social networks are platforms that allow you to interact with other people online. You can use social networks to grow your brand by expanding your network, building relationships, and increasing your visibility. You can also use social networks to share your content, showcase your achievements, and join relevant communities.
    • Speak, train, and present. Speaking, training, and presenting are ways of marketing yourself by delivering your message to a live audience. Speaking, training, and presenting can help you demonstrate your expertise, establish your authority, and inspire your audience. You can speak, train, and present at events, conferences, workshops, webinars, or podcasts.
    • Write books and articles. Writing books and articles is another way of marketing yourself by creating and publishing your content. Writing books and articles can help you showcase your knowledge, express your ideas, and reach a wider audience. You can write books and articles for your own blog, website, or channel, or for other platforms, publications, or media outlets.
  • Section 3: Learning
    • Learn how to learn. Learning how to learn means developing the skills and strategies that enable you to acquire new knowledge and abilities effectively and efficiently. Learning how to learn can help you improve your performance, enhance your creativity, and adapt to changing situations. Learning how to learn involves understanding how your brain works, how you process information, and how you retain and recall it.
    • Use a 10-step process to learn anything quickly. The 10-step process is a method for learning anything quickly and deeply. The 10 steps are: 1) Get the big picture. 2) Determine the scope. 3) Define success. 4) Find resources. 5) Create a learning plan. 6) Filter resources. 7) Learn enough to get started. 8) Play around. 9) Learn enough to do something useful. 10) Teach someone else.
    • Do the first six steps once. The first six steps of the 10-step process are meant to be done once, before you start learning. They are designed to help you get a clear overview of what you want to learn, why you want to learn it, and how you’re going to learn it. They are also designed to
    • Do the last four steps repeatedly. The last four steps of the 10-step process are meant to be done repeatedly, as you’re learning. They are designed to help you deepen your understanding, practice your skills, and apply your knowledge. They are also designed to help you retain what you’ve learned and share it with others.
  • Section 4: Productivity

    Section 7: Mindset

How the mind influences the body

  • Learn how your beliefs, attitudes, and self-image can affect your physical health, performance, and well-being.
  • Use techniques like visualization, affirmations, and positive thinking to shape your reality and achieve your goals.

It starts with a positive mindset

  • Learn how to cultivate a positive mindset that will help you overcome challenges, cope with stress, and attract opportunities.
  • Use gratitude, optimism, and humor to deal with negative emotions and situations.

How to change your self-image

  • Learn how to change the way you see yourself and how others see you.
  • Use the power of your subconscious mind to create a new self-image that aligns with your desired outcomes.
  • Use feedback, self-talk, and role models to reinforce your new self-image.

Love and relationships

  • Learn how to improve your social skills and build meaningful relationships with others.
  • Use empathy, communication, and trust to connect with people and avoid conflicts.
  • Use your soft skills to network, collaborate, and influence others.

My personal success book list

  • Learn from some of the best books on personal development, success, and mindset.
  • Read books like Think and Grow Rich, Psycho-Cybernetics, Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself, Atlas Shrugged, and Seneca’s Letters to Lucius.
  • Apply the principles and lessons from these books to your own life and career.

Stop fearing failure

  • Learn how to overcome your fear of failure and embrace it as a learning opportunity.
  • Use failure as a feedback mechanism to improve your skills and strategies.
  • Use persistence, resilience, and courage to face your challenges and pursue your dreams.

Getting out of your comfort zone

  • Learn how to expand your comfort zone and try new things.
  • Use curiosity, experimentation, and adventure to discover new possibilities and opportunities.
  • Use discomfort as a sign of growth and progress.

Stoic philosophy and how it can change your life

  • Learn how to apply the ancient wisdom of Stoicism to your modern life.
  • Use Stoicism to develop self-control, rationality, and virtue.
  • Use Stoicism to cope with adversity, pain, and loss.
  • Use Stoicism to live a happy and meaningful life.