
Note on Communication Skills for Engineers, Second Edition

Communication Skills for Engineers, Second Edition

An Overview

  • Introduces the concept and importance of communication skills for engineers and scientists.
  • Explains the different types of communication, such as verbal, non-verbal, written, and visual, and the factors that affect communication, such as culture, context, and audience.

Communication Breakdown

  • Discusses the common causes and consequences of communication breakdown, such as noise, barriers, filters, and feedback.
  • Suggests some strategies to prevent and overcome communication breakdown, such as active listening, empathy, clarity, and accuracy.


  • Emphasizes the role and benefits of listening in effective communication.
  • Explains the different levels and types of listening, such as passive, active, empathic, and critical, and the skills and techniques to improve listening, such as attention, concentration, comprehension, and retention.

Business Letters

  • Covers the basics and formats of business letters, such as the heading, date, inside address, salutation, body, complimentary close, and signature.
  • Provides some guidelines and examples for writing different types of business letters, such as inquiry, order, complaint, adjustment, and recommendation.

Types of Business Letters

  • Elaborates on the specific features and purposes of various types of business letters, such as sales, circular, application, appointment, resignation, and termination.
  • Gives some tips and samples for writing effective and persuasive business letters.

Techniques of Writing

  • Explains the principles and methods of writing clear, concise, and coherent sentences, paragraphs, and documents.
  • Covers the aspects of grammar, punctuation, spelling, and vocabulary that are essential for writing correctly and professionally.

Report Writing

  • Describes the structure and style of report writing, which is a common form of technical communication for engineers and scientists.
  • Outlines the steps and stages of report writing, such as planning, researching, organizing, drafting, revising, and editing, and the types and components of reports, such as feasibility, progress, and laboratory reports.

Sample Reports

  • Provides some examples and analyses of different types of reports, such as project, survey, and research reports.
  • Illustrates the use of tables, graphs, charts, and diagrams to present data and information effectively in reports.


  • Introduces the concept and scope of advertising, which is a form of persuasive communication.
  • Explains the elements and techniques of advertising, such as the AIDA model, slogans, logos, and jingles, and the types and media of advertising, such as print, electronic, and online advertising.

Effective Presentation

  • Focuses on the skills and strategies for delivering impactful presentations, which are another form of technical communication for engineers and scientists.
  • Covers the aspects of planning, preparing, practicing, and performing presentations, such as the objective, audience, content, structure, visual aids, delivery, and feedback.

Communicating without Words

  • Explores the role and significance of non-verbal communication, which is the transmission of messages without words.
  • Discusses the types and functions of non-verbal communication, such as kinesics, proxemics, haptics, chronemics, and paralanguage, and the ways to interpret and improve non-verbal communication.


  • Deals with the process and purpose of interviews, which are a form of interpersonal communication.
  • Provides some tips and techniques for preparing and participating in different types of interviews, such as job, appraisal, and exit interviews, and the dos and don’ts of interview etiquette.


  • Explains the features and formats of speeches, which are a form of oral communication.
  • Outlines the steps and stages of speech writing and delivery, such as selecting, researching, organizing, rehearsing, and presenting speeches, and the types and modes of speeches, such as informative, persuasive, and impromptu speeches.

Negotiation Skills

  • Highlights the importance and benefits of negotiation skills, which are a form of collaborative communication.
  • Describes the principles and practices of negotiation, such as the BATNA, ZOPA, and win-win approach, and the stages and skills of negotiation, such as preparation, discussion, proposal, and agreement.

Group Discussions

  • Examines the nature and advantages of group discussions, which are a form of cooperative communication.
  • Covers the roles and responsibilities of group members and leaders, the rules and norms of group discussions, and the skills and techniques to participate and facilitate group discussions effectively.

Technology in Communication

  • Discusses the impact and challenges of technology in communication, which is a rapidly evolving phenomenon in the modern world.
  • Covers the advantages and disadvantages of various technological tools and platforms for communication, such as computers, smartphones, internet, webinars, and social media, and the need for responsible and mindful usage of technology in communication.

Most Often Wrongly Spelt Words

  • Lists some of the most common spelling errors and confusions in English, such as affect/effect, accept/except, advice/advise, and principle/principal.
  • Provides some rules and tips to avoid and correct spelling mistakes and improve spelling accuracy.

Common Errors in English

  • Identifies some of the most frequent grammatical errors and mistakes in English, such as subject-verb agreement, pronoun-antecedent agreement, and sentence structure.
  • Offers some explanations and examples to rectify and prevent grammatical errors and improve grammatical correctness.


  • Explains the rules and uses of punctuation marks in English, such as the period, comma, semicolon, colon, and apostrophe.
  • Provides some guidelines and examples to apply punctuation marks correctly and consistently in writing.

Writing Style

  • Discusses the principles and elements of writing style, such as clarity, conciseness, coherence, and correctness.
  • Offers some tips and examples to develop and maintain an effective and appropriate writing style for different purposes and audiences.


  • Summarizes the key concepts and skills of communication for engineers and scientists.
  • Emphasizes the importance and value of communication skills in professional and personal life, and the need for continuous learning and improvement in communication.
  • Encourages the readers to practice and apply the knowledge and techniques of communication in their daily interactions and endeavors.
  • Recommends further resources and references for advanced study and exploration of communication skills and strategies.
  • Acknowledges the contributions and feedback of the readers and experts in the field of communication.
  • Expresses gratitude and appreciation to the authors, editors, and publishers of the book for their efforts and insights in creating and sharing the valuable content on communication skills for engineers and scientists.