
Post from linkedin

The keyword I always come back to is leverage.

AI is taking over? Use that information to your advantage. Ask yourself these questions:

  • How can I leverage these new tools to create even more opportunities for myself?
  • What skills can I leverage to make myself more marketable or efficient at generating value for others?
  • What other non-AI-related tools can I leverage to force-multiply my output, whether that is with code or impact?
  • What are the areas in my life that I can improve that will raise my base competency, whereby these tools can then multiply (not all areas can be multiplied with software)?
    • My health?
    • My cognition through a better sleep schedule?
    • My typing speed?
    • My knowledge of IDE keyboard shortcuts?
    • Design patterns?

Every little bit contributes to becoming AI-proof, but it is ultimately about standing out from the crowd and doing what the competition is too lazy or unaware to do.

Should we do start integrating AI in all our projects/workstreams in order to stay sharp?

Yes! Ever wonder how some people are so productive? Hint: it’s mainly the tools they use and the systems and processes they’ve developed that work best for them.