
AWS SAA Training notes, day 1

  • Optimized EBS: spearate IO for ebs and other traffic
  • no snapshot for ephemeral storages
  • EBS is only attaches to one instance
  • S3 is option
  • EFS is scalable , shared. Across zones, regions, vpc account. EFS is just for linux.

EC2 instance types

  • t is burstable
  • m is memory
  • generation member is number after. (exp. m5)
  • general usage customers: usually use t3 unlimted . Collecting credits during lower usage and use credits later.

    Compute optimized

  • type c. Compute intensive type
  • Elastic Fabric Adapter, or EFA, is a network adapter for Amazon EC2 instances that delivers the performance of on-premises HPC clusters with the elasticity and scalability of AWS. You can run HPC applications that require high levels of inter-instance communications, such as computational fluid dynamics, weather modeling, and reservoir simulation. In addition, HPC applications use popular HPC technologies, such as Message Passing Interface (MPI), which can scale to thousands of CPU cores. EFA supports industry-standard libfabric APIs, so applications that use a supported MPI library can be migrated to AWS with little or no modificati

    Memory optimized

  • type r . Need more RAM

    Accelarated Computing Example

  • Type p model. Machine deep learning.

    Storage optimized

  • type H model. High disk thgroughput.HDFS.

Different processors have different properties, so they can affect performences.

Instance generation and cost

  • Newer genereatio has better price to performance

    Pricing type

    Amazon EC2 usage of Amazon Linux-and Ubuntu-based instances that are launched in On-Demand, Reserved and Spot form will be billed on one-second increments, with a minimum of 60 seconds. All other operating systems are billed in one-hour increments, and are billed hour forward, that is, billed at the start of the hour whether you use the full hour or not. Note that Reserved Instances are launched as, and indistinguishable from, On-Demand Instances until the bill is processed. Compute Savings Plans provide the most flexibility and help to reduce your costs by up to 66% (just like Convertible RIs). The plans automatically apply to any EC2 instance regardless of Region, instance family, operating system, or tenancy, including those that are part of EMR, ECS, or EKS clusters, or launched by Fargate. For example, you can shift from C4 to C5 instances, move a workload from Dublin to London, or migrate from EC2 to Fargate, benefiting from Savings Plan prices along the way, without having to do anything.



    Standard, Convertible, Scheduled.

    Paying upfront payments. Pre-pay.Shared.

    Saving plan

    Most flexibility


Dedicated instances

  • Dedicated Instances are Amazon EC2 instances that run in a VPC on hardware that’s dedicated to a single customer. Your Dedicated Instances are physically isolated at the host hardware level from instances that belong to other AWS accounts. Dedicated Instance pricing has two components:

    Dedicated hosts

  • A Dedicated Host is a physical EC2 server with instance capacity fully dedicated for your use. Dedicated Hosts can help you reduce costs by allowing you to use your existing server-bound software licenses,


  • After you launch an instance, there are some limitations to changing its tenancy. • You cannot change the tenancy of an instance from default to dedicated or host after you’ve launched it. • You cannot change the tenancy of an instance from dedicated or host to default after you’ve launched it. • You can change the tenancy of an instance from dedicated to host, or from host to dedicated, after you’ve launched it.

AWS Compute optimizer: Cost optimizator

Tags in AWS

  • Netflix script

    AWS resources

  • The cluster placement group is a logical grouping of instances within a single Availability Zone. This grouping provides the lowest latency and highest packet per second network performance possible.
  • A spread placement group is a grouping of instances that are purposely positioned on distinct underlying hardware. This grouping reduces the risk of simultaneous failures that could occur if instances were sharing underlying hardware
  • Partition placement groups spread EC2 instances across logical partitions and ensure that instances in different partitions do not share the same underlying hardware, thus containing the impact of hardware failure to a single partition.

Database layer

RDS scalling is push the button

Security RDS

  • Acces to DB. Encryption at rest, in transit.
  • Event notification. such as whether the instance was shut down, a backup was started, a failover occurred, the security group was changed, or your storage space is low.


  • Amazon DynamoDB transactions simplify the developer experience of making coordinated, all-or-nothing changes to multiple items both within and across tables. Transactions provide atomicity, consistency, isolation, and durability (ACID) in DynamoDB, enabling you to maintain data correctness in your applications easily.
  • if item is bigger greater than 250kb, dynamodb is a lot expenssive.
  • Behind Cloudfront is memcached
  • Behind s3 is DynamoDB


  • Define acess permissions on table and items.
  • Customer managed keys
  • SSL, Encryption at rest

AWS DMS - Database Migration service

  • Use snowball egde if conneciton is bad, privacy and security concerns.
  • Snowball edge device
  • While migrating these multi-terabyte and multi-petabyte databases to AWS, your on-premises databases remain online. They can be decommissioned when the AWS Snowball Edge appliance is shipped back to AWS and is automatically loaded onto your target Amazon RDS–or Amazon EC2–based database. You can migrate existing data (one time) or optionally perform ongoing data replication to the target database.