
AWS SAA Practise test 6

  • If using an ELB it is best to enable ELB health checks as otherwise EC2 status checks may show an instance as being healthy that the ELB has determined is unhealthy. In this case the instance will be removed from service by the ELB but will not be terminated by Auto Scaling More information on ASG health checks: By default uses EC2 status checks. Can also use ELB health checks and custom health checks. ELB health checks are in addition to the EC2 status checks. If any health check returns an unhealthy status the instance will be terminated. With ELB an instance is marked as unhealthy if ELB reports it as OutOfService A healthy instance enters the InService state. If an instance is marked as unhealthy it will be scheduled for replacement. If connection draining is enabled, Auto Scaling waits for in-flight requests to complete or timeout before terminating instances.

  • The health check grace period allows a period of time for a new instance to warm up before performing a health check (300 seconds by default).
  • A VPC automatically comes with a default network ACL which allows all inbound/outbound traffic. A custom NACL denies all traffic both inbound and outbound by default.

Network ACL’s function at the subnet level and you can have permit and deny rules. Network ACLs have separate inbound and outbound rules and each rule can allow or deny traffic.

Network ACLs are stateless so responses are subject to the rules for the direction of traffic. NACLs only apply to traffic that is ingress or egress to the subnet not to traffic within the subnet.

  • You can specify the instance store volumes for your instance only when you launch an instance. You can’t attach instance store volumes to an instance after you’ve launched it.
  • The visibility timeout is the amount of time a message is invisible in the queue after a reader picks up the message. If a job is processed within the visibility timeout the message will be deleted. If a job is not processed within the visibility timeout the message will become visible again (could be delivered twice). The maximum visibility timeout for an Amazon SQS message is 12 hours.
  • With NACLs you can have permit and deny rules. Network ACLs contain a numbered list of rules that are evaluated in order from the lowest number until the explicit deny. Network ACLs have separate inbound and outbound rules and each rule can allow or deny traffic.
  • Amazon DynamoDB auto scaling uses the AWS Application Auto Scaling service to dynamically adjust provisioned throughput capacity on your behalf, in response to actual traffic patterns. This is the most efficient and cost-effective solution to optimizing for cost.
  • Amazon S3 automatically scales to high request rates. For example, your application can achieve at least 3,500 PUT/POST/DELETE and 5,500 GET requests per second per prefix in a bucket. There are no limits to the number of prefixes in a bucket

If your workload is mainly sending GET requests, in addition to the preceding guidelines, you should consider using Amazon CloudFront for performance optimization. By integrating CloudFront with Amazon S3, you can distribute content to your users with low latency and a high data transfer rate.

  • Glacier is designed for durability of 99.999999999% of objects across multiple Availability Zones. Data is resilient in the event of one entire Availability Zone destruction. Glacier supports SSL for data in transit and encryption of data at rest. Glacier is extremely low cost and is ideal for long-term archival.
  • You can use VPC Flow Logs to capture detailed information about the traffic going to and from your Elastic Load Balancer. Create a flow log for each network interface for your load balancer. There is one network interface per load balancer subnet.
  • A multi-site solution runs on AWS as well as on your existing on-site infrastructure in an active- active configuration. The data replication method that you employ will be determined by the recovery point that you choose. This is either Recovery Time Objective (the maximum allowable downtime before degraded operations are restored) or Recovery Point Objective (the maximum allowable time window whereby you will accept the loss of transactions during the DR process).
  • You can restore a DB instance to a specific point in time, creating a new DB instance. When you restore a DB instance to a point in time, the default DB security group is applied to the new DB instance. If you need custom DB security groups applied to your DB instance, you must apply them explicitly using the AWS Management Console, the AWS CLI modify-db-instance command, or the Amazon RDS API ModifyDBInstance operation after the DB instance is available.

Restored DBs will always be a new RDS instance with a new DNS endpoint and you can restore up to the last 5 minutes.

  • All EBS types and all instance families support encryption but not all instance types support encryption. There is no direct way to change the encryption state of a volume. Data in transit between an instance and an encrypted volume is also encrypted.

  • On-Demand pricing ensures that instances will not be terminated and is the most economical option. Use on-demand for ad-hoc requirements where you cannot tolerate interruption.
  • EBS optimized instances provide dedicated capacity for Amazon EBS I/O. EBS optimized instances are designed for use with all EBS volume types.

Provisioned IOPS EBS volumes allow you to specify the amount of IOPS you require up to 50 IOPS per GB. Within this limitation you can therefore choose to select the IOPS required to improve the performance of your volume.

RAID can be used to increase IOPS, however RAID 1 does not. For example:

– RAID 0 = 0 striping – data is written across multiple disks and increases performance but no redundancy.

– RAID 1 = 1 mirroring – creates 2 copies of the data but does not increase performance, only redundancy.

HDD, Cold – (SC1) provides the lowest cost storage and low performance

  • With Amazon CloudFront, you can enforce secure end-to-end connections to origin servers by using HTTPS. Field-level encryption adds an additional layer of security that lets you protect specific data throughout system processing so that only certain applications can see it.

Field-level encryption allows you to enable your users to securely upload sensitive information to your web servers. The sensitive information provided by your users is encrypted at the edge, close to the user, and remains encrypted throughout your entire application stack. This encryption ensures that only applications that need the data—and have the credentials to decrypt it—are able to do so.

  • To manage your objects so that they are stored cost effectively throughout their lifecycle, configure their lifecycle. A lifecycle configuration is a set of rules that define actions that Amazon S3 applies to a group of objects. Transition actions define when objects transition to another storage class.

For example, you might choose to transition objects to the STANDARD_IA storage class 30 days after you created them, or archive objects to the GLACIER storage class one year after creating them.

GLACIER retrieval times:

  • Standard retrieval is 3-5 hours which is well within the requirements here.

  • You can use Expedited retrievals to access data in 1 – 5 minutes.

  • You can use Bulk retrievals to access up to petabytes of data in approximately 5 – 12 hours.
  • An inbound rule should be created for the relevant protocols (HTTP/HTTPS) and the source should be set to any address (

The outbound rule should forward the relevant protocols (HTTP/HTTPS) and the destination should be set to the web server security group.

Note that on the web server security group you’d want to add an Inbound rule allowing HTTP/HTTPS from the ELB security group.

  • AWS Batch eliminates the need to operate third-party commercial or open source batch processing solutions. There is no batch software or servers to install or manage. AWS Batch manages all the infrastructure for you, avoiding the complexities of provisioning, managing, monitoring, and scaling your batch computing jobs.
  • Run Command is designed to support a wide range of enterprise scenarios including installing software, running ad hoc scripts or Microsoft PowerShell commands, configuring Windows Update settings, and more.

Run Command can be used to implement configuration changes across Windows instances on a consistent yet ad hoc basis and is accessible from the AWS Management Console, the AWS Command Line Interface (CLI), the AWS Tools for Windows PowerShell, and the AWS SDKs.

  • Custom security groups do not have inbound allow rules (all inbound traffic is denied by default) whereas default security groups do have inbound allow rules (allowing traffic from within the group). All outbound traffic is allowed by default in both custom and default security groups.

Security groups act like a stateful firewall at the instance level. Specifically security groups operate at the network interface level of an EC2 instance. You can only assign permit rules in a security group, you cannot assign deny rules and there is an implicit deny rule at the end of the security group. All rules are evaluated until a permit is encountered or continues until the implicit deny. You can create ingress and egress rules.

  • EBS Throughput Optimized HDD is good for the following use cases (and is the most cost-effective option: Frequently accessed, throughput intensive workloads with large datasets and large I/O sizes, such as MapReduce, Kafka, log processing, data warehouse, and ETL workloads. Throughput is measured in MB/s, and includes the ability to burst up to 250 MB/s per TB, with a baseline throughput of 40 MB/s per TB and a maximum throughput of 500 MB/s per volume.
  • You can control who can administer your file system using IAM. You can control access to files and directories with POSIX-compliant user and group-level permissions. POSIX permissions allows you to restrict access from hosts by user and group. EFS Security Groups act as a firewall, and the rules you add define the traffic flow.
  • Enhanced networking provides higher bandwidth, higher packet-per-second (PPS) performance, and consistently lower inter-instance latencies. If your packets-per-second rate appears to have reached its ceiling, you should consider moving to enhanced networking because you have likely reached the upper thresholds of the VIF driver. It is only available for certain instance types and only supported in VPC. You must also launch an HVM AMI with the appropriate drivers.

AWS currently supports enhanced networking capabilities using SR-IOV. SR-IOV provides direct access to network adapters, provides higher performance (packets-per-second) and lower latency

  • You can associate an AWS Direct Connect gateway with either of the following gateways: A transit gateway when you have multiple VPCs in the same Region. A virtual private gateway. In this case account Z owns the Direct Connect gateway so a VPG in accounts A and B must be associated with it to enable this configuration to work. After Account Z accepts the proposals, Account A and Account B can route traffic from their virtual private gateway to the Direct Connect gateway.
  • The Solutions Architect can use Auto Scaling group across multiple AZs with an ALB in front to create an elastic and highly available architecture. Then, migrate the database to an Amazon RDS multi-AZ deployment to create HA for the database tier. This results in a fully redundant architecture that can withstand the failure of an availability zone. ,
  • You can create AMIs of the EC2 instances and then copy them across Regions. This provides a point-in-time copy of the state of the EC2 instance in the remote Region.

Once you’ve created AMIs of EC2 instances and copied them to the second Region, you can then launch the EC2 instances from the AMIs in that Region.

This is a good DR strategy as you have moved stateful EC2 instances to another Region.

  • The cold HDD (sc1) EBS volume type is the lowest cost option that is suitable for this use case. The sc1 volume type is suitable for infrequently accessed data and use cases that are oriented towards throughput like sequential data access.
  • Some applications, such as media catalog updates require high frequency reads, and consistent throughput. For such applications, customers often complement S3 with an in-memory cache, such as Amazon ElastiCache for Redis, to reduce the S3 retrieval cost and to improve performance.

ElastiCache for Redis is a fully managed, in-memory data store that provides sub-millisecond latency performance with high throughput. ElastiCache for Redis complements S3 in the following ways:

  • Redis stores data in-memory, so it provides sub-millisecond latency and supports incredibly high requests per second.

  • It supports key/value based operations that map well to S3 operations (for example, GET/SET => GET/PUT), making it easy to write code for both S3 and ElastiCache.

  • It can be implemented as an application side cache. This allows you to use S3 as your persistent store and benefit from its durability, availability, and low cost. Your applications decide what objects to cache, when to cache them, and how to cache them.

In this example the media catalog is pulling updates from S3 so the performance between these components is what needs to be improved. Therefore, using ElastiCache to cache the content will dramatically increase the performance.

  • Each instance that you launch has an associated root device volume, either an Amazon EBS volume or an instance store volume.

You can use block device mapping to specify additional EBS volumes or instance store volumes to attach to an instance when it’s launched. You can also attach additional EBS volumes to a running instance.

You cannot use a block device mapping to specify a snapshot, EFS volume or S3 bucket.