
AWS SAA Practise test 5

  • Amazon FSx for Windows File Server provides fully managed, highly reliable, and scalable file storage that is accessible over the industry-standard Server Message Block (SMB) protocol. This is the most suitable destination for this use case. AWS DataSync can be used to move large amounts of data online between on-premises storage and Amazon S3, Amazon EFS, or Amazon FSx for Windows File Server. The source datastore can be Server Message Block (SMB) file servers.

  • To enable your Lambda function to access resources inside your private VPC, you must provide additional VPC-specific configuration information that includes VPC subnet IDs and security group IDs. AWS Lambda uses this information to set up elastic network interfaces (ENIs) that enable your function. Please see the AWS article linked below for more details on the requirements: .

  • Trails can be configured to log Data events and management events: Data events: These events provide insight into the resource operations performed on or within a resource. These are also known as data plane operations. Management events: Management events provide insight into management operations that are performed on resources in your AWS account. These are also known as control plane operations. Management events can also include non-API events that occur in your account.

  • You can attach one or more Target Groups to your ASG to include instances behind an ALB and the ELBs must be in the same region. Once you do this any EC2 instance existing or added by the ASG will be automatically registered with the ASG defined ELBs. If adding an instance to an ASG would result in exceeding the maximum capacity of the ASG the request will fail.

  • The term warm standby is used to describe a DR scenario in which a scaled-down version of a fully functional environment is always running in the cloud. A warm standby solution extends the pilot light elements and preparation. It further decreases the recovery time because some services are always running. By identifying your business-critical systems, you can fully duplicate these systems on AWS and have them always on.

  • ALB supports authentication from OIDC compliant identity providers such as Google, Facebook and Amazon. It is implemented through an authentication action on a listener rule that integrates with Amazon Cognito to create user pools. SAML can be used with Amazon Cognito but this is not the only option.

  • AWS customers are welcome to carry out security assessments or penetration tests against their AWS infrastructure without prior approval for 8 services. Please check the AWS link below for the latest information.

  • An IAM group is a collection of IAM users. Groups let you specify permissions for multiple users, which can make it easier to manage the permissions for those users.

  • The following facts apply to IAM Groups: Groups are collections of users and have policies attached to them. A group is not an identity and cannot be identified as a principal in an IAM policy. Use groups to assign permissions to users. IAM groups cannot be used to group EC2 instances. Only users and services can assume a role to take on permissions (not groups).

  • For block storage the Solutions Architect should use either Amazon EBS or EC2 instance store. However, the instance store is non-persistent so EBS must be used. With EBS you can encrypt your volume and automate volume-level backups using snapshots that are run by Data Lifecycle Manager.

  • Dedicated Instances are Amazon EC2 instances that run in a VPC on hardware that’s dedicated to a single customer. Your Dedicated instances are physically isolated at the host hardware level from instances that belong to other AWS accounts. Dedicated instances allow automatic instance placement and billing is per instance.

  • An Interface endpoint uses AWS PrivateLink and is an elastic network interface (ENI) with a private IP address that serves as an entry point for traffic destined to a supported service. Using PrivateLink you can connect your VPC to supported AWS services, services hosted by other AWS accounts (VPC endpoint services), and supported AWS Marketplace partner services.

  • AWS Lambda automatically monitors Lambda functions and reports metrics through Amazon CloudWatch. Lambda tracks the number of requests, the latency per request, and the number of requests resulting in an error. You can view the request rates and error rates using the AWS Lambda Console, the CloudWatch console, and other AWS resources.
  • You can use the condition checking in IAM policies to look for a specific tag. IAM checks that the tag attached to the principal making the request matches the specified key name and value.
  • This information is stored in the instance metadata on the instance. You can access the instance metadata through a URI or by using the Instance Metadata Query tool.

The instance metadata is available at The Instance Metadata Query tool allows you to query the instance metadata without having to type out the full URI or category names.

  • A public subnet is a subnet that’s associated with a route table that has a route to an Internet gateway. Public subnets are subnets that have: “Auto-assign public IPv4 address” set to “Yes”. The subnet route table has an attached Internet Gateway.
  • Amazon Elastic Container Service (ECS) is a highly scalable, high performance container management service that supports Docker containers and allows you to easily run applications on a managed cluster of Amazon EC2 instances. The EC2 Launch Type allows you to run containers on EC2 instances that you manage so you will be able to access the operating system instances.
  • With Amazon API Gateway, you can run a fully managed REST API that integrates with Lambda to execute your business logic and includes traffic management, authorization and access control, monitoring, and API versioning. AWS Step Functions orchestrates serverless workflows including coordination, state, and function chaining as well as combining long-running executions not supported within Lambda execution limits by breaking into multiple steps or by calling workers running on Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) instances or on-premises.
  • Some facts about Amazon EBS encrypted volumes and snapshots: All EBS types support encryption and all instance families now support encryption. Not all instance types support encryption. Data in transit between an instance and an encrypted volume is also encrypted (data is encrypted in trans. You can have encrypted an unencrypted EBS volumes attached to an instance at the same time. Snapshots of encrypted volumes are encrypted automatically. EBS volumes restored from encrypted snapshots are encrypted automatically. EBS volumes created from encrypted snapshots are also encrypted.
  • Snapshots capture a point-in-time state of an instance. If you make periodic snapshots of a volume, the snapshots are incremental, which means that only the blocks on the device that have changed after your last snapshot are saved in the new snapshot. Even though snapshots are saved incrementally, the snapshot deletion process is designed so that you need to retain only the most recent snapshot in order to restore the volume.
  • The AWS blog URL below explains how to construct an IAM policy for a similar scenario. Please refer to the article for detailed instructions.
  • File gateway provides a virtual on-premises file server, which enables you to store and retrieve files as objects in Amazon S3. It can be used for on-premises applications, and for Amazon EC2-resident applications that need file storage in S3 for object based workloads. Used for flat files only, stored directly on S3. File gateway offers SMB or NFS-based access to data in Amazon S3 with local caching.
  • When an EBS volume is encrypted with a custom key you must share the custom key with the PROD account. You also need to modify the permissions on the snapshot to share it with the PROD account. The PROD account must copy the snapshot before they can then create volumes from the snapshot.Note that you cannot share encrypted volumes created using a default CMK key and you cannot change the CMK key that is used to encrypt a volume.
  • Note that the questions asks you which transport protocols are supported, NOT which subscribers – therefore AWS Lambda is not supported. Amazon SNS supports notifications over multiple transport protocols: HTTP/HTTPS – subscribers specify a URL as part of the subscription registration. Email/Email-JSON – messages are sent to registered addresses as email (text-based or JSON-object). SQS – users can specify an SQS standard queue as the endpoint. SMS – messages are sent to registered phone numbers as SMS text messages.
  • Trusted Advisor is an online resource to help you reduce cost, increase performance, and improve security by optimizing your AWS environment. Trusted Advisor provides real time guidance to help you provision your resources following AWS best practices. AWS Trusted Advisor offers a Service Limits check (in the Performance category) that displays your usage and limits for some aspects of some services.
  • AWS CloudFormation provides two methods for updating stacks: direct update or creating and executing change sets. When you directly update a stack, you submit changes and AWS CloudFormation immediately deploys them. Use direct updates when you want to quickly deploy your updates. With change sets, you can preview the changes AWS CloudFormation will make to your stack, and then decide whether to apply those changes.
  • DynamoDB best practices include: Keep item sizes small. If you are storing serial data in DynamoDB that will require actions based on data/time use separate tables for days, weeks, months. Store more frequently and less frequently accessed data in separate tables. If possible compress larger attribute values. Store objects larger than 400KB in S3 and use pointers (S3 Object ID) in DynamoDB.

  • Multi-AZ RDS creates a replica in another AZ and synchronously replicates to it (DR only). Multi-AZ deployments for the MySQL, MariaDB, Oracle and PostgreSQL engines utilize synchronous physical replication. Multi-AZ deployments for the SQL Server engine use synchronous logical replication (SQL Server-native Mirroring technology).

  • Amazon ElastiCache in-transit encryption is an optional feature that allows you to increase the security of your data at its most vulnerable points—when it is in transit from one location to another. Because there is some processing needed to encrypt and decrypt the data at the endpoints, enabling in-transit encryption can have some performance impact. You should benchmark your data with and without in-transit encryption to determine the performance impact for your use cases. ElastiCache in-transit encryption implements the following features: Encrypted connections—both the server and client connections are Secure Socket Layer (SSL) encrypted. Encrypted replication—data moving between a primary node and replica nodes is encrypted. Server authentication—clients can authenticate that they are connecting to the right server. Client authentication—using the Redis AUTH feature, the server can authenticate the clients.

  • When you create the RDS instance, you need to select the option to make it publicly accessible. A security group will need to be created and assigned to the RDS instance to allow access from the public IP address of your application (or firewall).
  • With MySQL, authentication is handled by AWSAuthenticationPlugin—an AWS-provided plugin that works seamlessly with IAM to authenticate your IAM users. Connect to the DB instance and issue the CREATE USER statement, as shown in the following example. CREATE USER jane_doe IDENTIFIED WITH AWSAuthenticationPlugin AS ‘RDS’; The IDENTIFIED WITH clause allows MySQL to use the AWSAuthenticationPlugin to authenticate the database account (jane_doe). The AS ‘RDS’ clause refers to the authentication method, and the specified database account should have the same name as the IAM user or role. In this example, both the database account and the IAM user or role are named jane_doe.
  • This is a good use case for CloudFront which is a content delivery network (CDN) that caches content to improve performance for users who are consuming the content. This will take the load off of the EC2 instances as CloudFront has a cached copy of the video files. An origin is the origin of the files that the CDN will distribute. Origins can be either an S3 bucket, an EC2 instance, and Elastic Load Balancer, or Route 53 – can also be external (non-AWS).
  • Alias records are used to map resource record sets in your hosted zone to Amazon Elastic Load Balancing load balancers, API Gateway custom regional APIs and edge-optimized APIs, CloudFront Distributions, AWS Elastic Beanstalk environments, Amazon S3 buckets that are configured as website endpoints, Amazon VPC interface endpoints, and to other records in the same Hosted Zone.
  • You can enable API caching in Amazon API Gateway to cache your endpoint’s responses. With caching, you can reduce the number of calls made to your endpoint and also improve the latency of requests to your API. When you enable caching for a stage, API Gateway caches responses from your endpoint for a specified time-to-live (TTL) period, in seconds. API Gateway then responds to the request by looking up the endpoint response from the cache instead of making a request to your endpoint. The default TTL value for API caching is 300 seconds. The maximum TTL value is 3600 seconds. TTL=0 means caching is disabled.

  • To enable outbound connectivity for instances in private subnets a NAT gateway can be created. The NAT gateway is created in a public subnet and a route must be created in the private subnet pointing to the NAT gateway for internet-bound traffic. An internet gateway must be attached to the VPC to facilitate outbound connections. You cannot directly connect to an instance in a private subnet from the internet. You would need to use a bastion/jump host. Therefore, the application will not be exposed to inbound connection attempts.
  • The company should implement an AWS Direct Connect connection to the closest region. A Direct Connect gateway can then be used to create private virtual interfaces (VIFs) to each AWS region. Direct Connect gateway provides a grouping of Virtual Private Gateways (VGWs) and Private Virtual Interfaces (VIFs) that belong to the same AWS account and enables you to interface with VPCs in any AWS Region (except AWS China Region). You can share a private virtual interface to interface with more than one Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) reducing the number of BGP sessions required.
  • The requirements are to avoid the internet and use private IP addresses only. The best solution is to use a private virtual interface across the Direct Connect connection to connect to the VPC using private IP addresses. A VPC endpoint for Amazon API Gateway can be created and this will provide access to API Gateway using private IP addresses and avoids the internet completely.