
AWS DAS Visualization


AmazonQuickSight Business analytics and visualizations in the cloud


  • Fast, easy, cloud powered business analytics service
  • Allows all employees in an organization to: •Build visualizations •Perform ad hoc analysis •Quickly get business insights from data •Anytime, on any device (browsers, mobile)
  • Serverless

    QuickSight Data Sources

  • Redshift
  • Aurora / RDS
  • Athena
  • EC2 hosted databases
  • Files (S3 or on premises) •Excel •CSV, TSV
  • Common or extended log format
  • Data preparation allows limited ETL


  • Data sets are imported into SPICE • Super fast, Parallel, In memory Calculation Engine •Uses columnar storage, in memory, machine code generation •Accelerates interactive queries on large datasets -Each user gets 10GB of SPICE -Highly available / durable -Scales to hundreds of thousands of users

    QuickSight Use Cases

  • Interactive ad hoc exploration / visualization of data
  • Dashboards and KPI’s
  • Stories •Guided tours through specific views of an analysis •Convey key points, thought process, evolution of an analysis
  • Analyze / visualize data from: •Logs in S3 •On premise databases •AWS (RDS, Redshift, Athena, S3) •SaaS applications, such as Salesforce •Any JDBC/ODBC data source

    QuickSightAnti Patterns

    -Highly formatted canned reports •QuickSight is for ad hoc queries, analysis, and visualization -ETL •Use Glue instead, although QuickSight can do some transformations

    QuickSightAnti Security

  • Multi factor authentication on your account
  • VPC connectivity • Add QuickSight’s IP address range to your database security groups
  • Row level security
  • Private VPC access • Elastic Network Interface, AWS Direct Connect

    QuickSight User Management

    •Users defined via IAM, or email signup •Active Directory integration with QuickSight Enterprise Edition

    QuickSight Pricing

  • Annual subscription • Standard: $9 / user /month • Enterprise: $18 / user / month
  • Extra SPICE capacity (beyond 10GB) •$0.25 (standard) $0.38 (enterprise) / GB / user / month
  • Month to month •Standard: $12 / user / month •Enterprise: $24 / user / month
  • Enterprise edition •Encryption at rest •Microsoft Active Directory integration

    Quicksight Machine Learning Insights

    -ML powered anomaly detection •Uses Random Cut Forest •Identify top contributors to significant changes in metrics -ML powered forecasting •Also uses Random Cut Forest •Detects seasonality and trends •Excludes outliers and imputes missing values -Autonarratives •Adds “story of your data” to your dashboards -Suggested Insights •“Insights” tab displays read to use suggested insights

    QuickSight Visual Types

  • AutoGraph
  • Bar Charts • For comparison and distribution (histograms)
  • Line graphs • For changes over time -Scatter plots, heat maps • For correlation
  • Pie graphs, tree maps • For aggregation
  • Pivot tables • For tabular data
  • Stories

    Additional Visual Types

  • KPIs:KPI’s: compare key value to its target value
  • Geospatial Charts (maps)
  • Donut Charts:Percentage of total amount
  • Gauge Charts:Compare values ina a measure
  • Word Clouds: word or phrase frequency

    Alternative visualization tools

  • Web based visualizations tools (deployed to the public) • D3.js • Chart.js • Highchart.js
  • Business Intelligence Tools • Tableau • MicroStrategy


  • Your manager has asked you to prepare a visual on QuickSight to see trends in how money was spent on entertainment in the office in the past 12 months. What visual will you use?:LineChart
  • You wish to publish a visual you’ve created illustrating trends of work coming into your company, for your employees to view. Which tool in QuickSight would be appropriate?:A dashboard is a way to publish a screen of data to a larger audience.
  • You want to build a visualization from the data-set you have imported, but you are unsure what visual to select for the best view. What can you do?:Auto-graph will automatically try to select the most appropriate visualization type for the data you have selected.
  • The source data you wish to analyze is not in a clean format. What can you do to ensure your visual in QuickSight looks good, with a minimum of effort?:Select edit / preview data before loading it into analysis, and edit it as needed.
  • How can you point QuickSight to fetch from your database stored on the EC2 instance in your VPC ?:Add Amazon QuickSight IP range to the allowed IPs of the hosted DB