


  • AWS CodeCommit: storing our code
  • AWS CodePipeline: automating our pipeline from code to ElasticBeanstalk
  • AWS CodeBuild: building and testing our code
  • AWS CodeDeploy: deploying the code to EC2 fleets (not Beanstalk)


  • Version control is the ability to understand the various changes that happened to the code over time (and possibly roll back).
  • All these are enabled by using a version control system such as Git, git lives on a central online repository
  • Benefits are: • Collaborate with other developers • Make sure the code is backed-up somewhere • Make sure it’s fully viewable and auditable
  • Git repositories can be expensive.The industry includes:GitHub: free public repositories, paid private ones, BitBucket
  • AWS CodeCommit: • private Git repositories • No size limit on repositories (scale seamlessly) • Fully managed, highly available • Code only in AWS Cloud account => increased security and compliance • Secure (encrypted, access control, etc…) • Integrated with Jenkins / CodeBuild / other CI tools
  • Authentication in Git: • SSH Keys: AWS Users can configure SSH keys in their IAM Console • HTTPS: Done through the AWS CLI Authentication helper or Generating HTTPS credentials • MFA (multi factor authentication) can be enabled for extra safety
  • Authorization in Git: • IAM Policies manage user / roles rights to repositories
  • Encryption: • Repositories are automatically encrypted at rest using KMS • Encrypted in transit (can only use HTTPS or SSH – both secure)
  • Cross Account access: • Do not share your SSH keys • Do not share your AWS credentials • Use IAM Role in your AWS Account and use AWS STS (with AssumeRole API)
  • Differences: • Security: • GitHub: GitHub Users • CodeCommit: AWS IAM users & roles, • Hosted: • GitHub: hosted by GitHub • GitHub Enterprise: self hosted on your servers • CodeCommit: managed & hosted by AWS • UI: • GitHub UI is fully featured • CodeCommit UI is minimal
  • You can trigger notifications in CodeCommit using AWS SNS (Simple Notification Service) or AWS Lambda or AWS CloudWatch Event Rules
  • Use cases for notifications SNS / AWS Lambda notifications: • Deletion of branches • Trigger for pushes that happens in master branch • Notify external Build System • Trigger AWS Lambda function to perform codebase analysis (maybe credentials got committed in the code?)
  • Use cases for CloudWatch Event Rules: • Trigger for pull request updates (created / updated / deleted / commented) • Commit comment events • CloudWatch Event Rules goes into an SNS topic


  • Continuous delivery, Visual workflow
  • Source: GitHub / CodeCommit / Amazon S3
  • Build: CodeBuild / Jenkins / etc…
  • Load Testing: 3rd party tools
  • Deploy: AWS CodeDeploy / Beanstalk / CloudFormation / ECS…
  • Made of stages: • Each stage can have sequential actions and / or parallel actions • Stages examples: Build / Test / Deploy / Load Test / etc… • Manual approval can be defined at any stage
  • Each pipeline stage can create ”artifacts”. Artifacts are passed stored in Amazon S3 and passed on to the next stage
  • CodePipeline state changes happen in AWS CloudWatch Events, which can in return create SNS notifications. • Ex: you can create events for failed pipelines • Ex: you can create events for cancelled stages
  • If CodePipeline fails a stage, your pipeline stops and you can get information in the console
  • AWS CloudTrail can be used to audit AWS API calls
  • If Pipeline can’t perform an action, make sure the “IAM Service Role” attached does have enough permissions (IAM Policy)


  • Fully managed build service. Alternative to other build tools such as Jenkins
  • Continuous scaling (no servers to manage or provision – no build queue)
  • Pay for usage: the time it takes to complete the builds
  • Leverages Docker under the hood for reproducible builds
  • Possibility to extend capabilities leveraging our own base Docker images
  • Secure: Integration with KMS for encryption of build artifacts, IAM for build permissions, and VPC for network security, CloudTrail for API calls logging
  • Source Code from GitHub / CodeCommit / CodePipeline / S3…
  • Build instructions can be defined in code (buildspec.yml file)
  • Output logs to Amazon S3 & AWS CloudWatch Logs
  • Metrics to monitor CodeBuild statistics
  • Use CloudWatch Events to detect failed builds and trigger notifications
  • Use CloudWatch Alarms to notify if you need “thresholds” for failures
  • CloudWatch Events / AWS Lambda as a Glue
  • SNS notifications
  • Ability to reproduce CodeBuild locally to troubleshoot in case of errors
  • Builds can be defined within CodePipeline or CodeBuild itself


  • buildspec.yml file must be at the root of your code
  • Define environment variables: • Plaintext variables • Secure secrets: use SSM Parameter store
  • Phases (specify commands to run): • Install: install dependencies you may need for your build • Pre build: final commands to execute before build • Build: actual build commands • Post build: finishing touches (zip output for example)
  • Artifacts: What to upload to S3 (encrypted with KMS)
  • Cache: Files to cache (usually dependencies) to S3 for future build speedup
  • In case of need of deep troubleshooting beyond logs. You can run CodeBuild locally on your desktop (after installing Docker). For this, leverage the CodeBuild Agent
  • By default, your CodeBuild containers are launched outside your VPC -Therefore, by default it cannot access resources in a VPC
  • You can specify a VPC configuration: • VPC ID • Subnet IDs • Security Group IDs
  • Then your build can access resources in your VPC (RDS, ElastiCache, EC2, ALB..)
  • Use cases: integration tests, data query, internal load balancers


  • We want to deploy our application automatically to many EC2 instances
  • These instances are not managed by Elastic Beanstalk
  • There are several ways to handle deployments using open source tools (Ansible,Terraform, Chef, Puppet, etc…) or AWS CodeDeploy
  • Each EC2 Machine (or On Premise machine) must be running the CodeDeploy Agent
  • The agent is continuously polling AWS CodeDeploy for work to do
  • CodeDeploy sends appspec.yml file.
  • Application is pulled from GitHub or S3
  • EC2 will run the deployment instructions
  • CodeDeploy Agent will report of success / failure of deployment on the instance
  • EC2 instances are grouped by deployment group (dev / test / prod). Lots of flexibility to define any kind of deployments
  • CodeDeploy can be chained into CodePipeline and use artifacts from there
  • CodeDeploy can re-use existing setup tools, works with any application, auto scaling integration
  • Note: Blue / Green only works with EC2 instances (not on premise)
  • Support for AWS Lambda deployments
  • CodeDeploy does not provision resources

    Primary components

  • Application: unique name
  • Compute platform: EC2/On-Premise or Lambda
  • Deployment configuration: Deployment rules for success / failures
  • EC2/On-Premise: you can specify the minimum number of healthy instances for the deployment.
  • AWS Lambda: specify how traffic is routed to your updated Lambda function versions.
  • Deployment group: group of tagged instances (allows to deploy gradually)
  • Deployment type: In-place deployment or Blue/green deployment:
  • IAM instance profile: need to give EC2 the permissions to pull from S3 / GitHub
  • Application Revision: application code + appspec.yml file
  • Service role: Role for CodeDeploy to perform what it needs
  • Target revision:Target deployment application version

CodeDeploy AppSpec

  • File section: how to source and copy from S3 / GitHub to filesystem
  • Hooks: set of instructions to do to deploy the new version (hooks can have timeouts).The order is: • ApplicationStop • DownloadBundle • BeforeInstall • AfterInstall • ApplicationStart • ValidateService: really important

    CodeDeploy Deployment Config

  • • Configs: • One a time: one instance at a time, one instance fails => deployment stops • Half at a time: 50% • All at once: quick but no healthy host, downtime. Good for dev • Custom: min healthy host = 75%
  • Failures: • Instances stay in “failed state” • New deployments will first be deployed to “failed state” instances • To rollback: redeploy old deployment or enable automated rollback for failures
  • Deployment Targets: • Set of EC2 instances with tags • Directly to an ASG • Mix of ASG / Tags so you can build deployment segments • Customization in scripts with DEPLOYMENT_GROUP_NAME environment variables
  • Rollbacks- • You can specify automated rollback options • Roll back when a deployment fails • Roll back when alarm thresholds are met • Disable rollbacks — Do not perform rollbacks for this deployment.
  • If a roll back happens, CodeDeploy redeploys the last known good revision as a new deployment.
CodeDeploy to EC2
  • Define how to deploy the application using appspec.yml + deployment strategy
  • Will do in-place update to your fleet of EC2 instances
  • Can use hooks to verify the deployment after each deployment phase
    CodeDeploy to ASG
  • In place updates: • Updates current existing EC2 instances • Instances newly created by an ASG will also get automated deployments
  • Blue / green deployment: • A new auto-scaling group is created (settings are copied) • Choose how long to keep the old instances • Must be using an ELB


  • CodeStar is an integrated solution that regroups: GitHub, CodeCommit, CodeBuild, CodeDeploy, CloudFormation, CodePipeline, CloudWatch
  • Helps quickly create “CICD-ready” projects for EC2, Lambda, Beanstalk
  • Issue tracking integration with: JIRA / GitHub Issues
  • Ability to integrate with Cloud9 to obtain a web IDE (not all regions)
  • One dashboard to view all your components
  • Free service, pay only for the underlying usage of other services. Limited customization.


  • AWS Service helps you run automated test in your CICD? - CodeBuild
  • looking to automatically trigger a code analysis at each commit in CodeCommit to ensure your developers haven’t committed secret credentials. How can you achieve this? - Setup AWS SNS/Lambda integration in CodeCommit
  • You want to send email alerts anytime pull requests are open or comments are added to commits in CodeCommit. You should use: - AWS CloudWatch Events
  • CodeCommit doesn’t support the following authentication - HTTP public access
  • You want to give a colleague that has an IAM User in another AWS Account access to your CodeCommit repository. How should you achieve that? - Setup IAM role in your account and tell him to use STS cross-account to assume that role
  • CodePipeline hasn’t deployed code to Elastic Beanstalk even though you’ve pushed code to your CodeCommit repository. It used to work 10 minutes ago. What reason is the most likely to explain that situation? - CodeBuild probably faileed some test.
  • Your manager wants to receive emails when your CodePipeline fails in order to take action. How do you do it? - Setup AWS CLoudWatch Event Rule
  • Which AWS Services allow you to track and audit API calls made to and from CodePipeline? - AWS CloudTrail
  • Where should the buildspec.yml file be placed in your code for CodeBuild to work properly? - At the root of your code
  • Your CodeBuild has failed. What isn’t a solution to troubleshoot what happened? - SSH into the CodeBuild cointainer to debug. CodeBuild containers are deleted at the end of their execution (success or failed). You can’t SSH into them, even while they’re running
  • You would like to improve the performance of your CodeBuild build. You realize that 15 minutes at each build is spent on pulling dependencies from remote repositories and that takes a while. What should you do to drastically speed up the build time? - Change buildspec.yml to enable dependancies caching in amazon s3
  • You would like to deploy static web files to Amazon S3 automatically, after generating the static websites from markdown files. Which services should you use for this? - CodePipeline + CodeBuild. CodeBuild can run any commands, so you can use it to run commands including generating a static website and copy your static web files to Amazon S3.
  • What’s the proper order of events in CodeDeploy? - Stop App, Before Install, After Install, Start App
  • Which hook step should be used in appspec.yml file to ensure the application is properly running after being deployed? - ValidateService
  • You’ve created a fleet of EC2 & on-premise instances and you’re trying to run your first CodeDeploy. It doesn’t work, why? - You probably forgotten to install and start the CodeDeploy agent.
  • You would like to have a one-stop dashboard for all the CICD needs of one of your projects. You don’t need heavy control of the individual configuration of each components in your CICD, but need to be able to get a holistic view of your projects. Which service do you recommend? - CodeStar