
AWS CDA Practise test 2


  • AWS::Serverless::UserPool The AWS Serverless Application Model (SAM) is an open-source framework for building serverless applications. It provides shorthand syntax to express functions, APIs, databases, and event source mappings. With just a few lines per resource, you can define the application you want and model it using YAML. SAM supports the following resource types: AWS::Serverless::Api AWS::Serverless::Application AWS::Serverless::Function AWS::Serverless::HttpApi AWS::Serverless::LayerVersion AWS::Serverless::SimpleTable AWS::Serverless::StateMachine UserPool applies to the Cognito service which is used for authentication for mobile app and web. There is no resource named UserPool in the Serverless Application Model.
  • ‘Dependencies’ section of the template - As you can see, there is no section called ‘Dependencies’ in the template. Although dependencies can be mentioned, there is no section itself for dependencies. ‘Conditions’ section of the template - This optional section includes conditions that control whether certain resources are created or whether certain resource properties are assigned a value during stack creation or update. For example, you could conditionally create a resource that depends on whether the stack is for a production or test environment. ‘Resources’ section of the template - This is the only required section and specifies the stack resources and their properties, such as an Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud instance or an Amazon Simple Storage Service bucket. You can refer to resources in the Resources and Outputs sections of the template. ‘Parameters’ section of the template - This optional section is helpful in passing Values to your template at runtime (when you create or update a stack). You can refer to parameters from the Resources and Outputs sections of the template.
  • Rolling- With Elastic Beanstalk, you can quickly deploy and manage applications in the AWS Cloud without having to learn about the infrastructure that runs those applications. Elastic Beanstalk reduces management complexity without restricting choice or control. You simply upload your application, and Elastic Beanstalk automatically handles the details of capacity provisioning, load balancing, scaling, and application health monitoring.
  • IAM username and password - IAM username and password credentials cannot be used to access CodeCommit. Git credentials - These are IAM -generated user name and password pair you can use to communicate with CodeCommit repositories over HTTPS. SSH Keys - Are locally generated public-private key pair that you can associate with your IAM user to communicate with CodeCommit repositories over SSH. AWS access keys - You can use these keys with the credential helper included with the AWS CLI to communicate with CodeCommit repositories over HTTPS.
  • Create a cross-stack reference and use the Export output field to flag the value of VPC from the network stack. Then use Fn::ImportValue intrinsic function to import the value of VPC into the web application stack. AWS CloudFormation gives developers and businesses an easy way to create a collection of related AWS and third-party resources and provision them in an orderly and predictable fashion.
  • “Exported Output Values in CloudFormation must have unique names within a single Region”.Using CloudFormation, you can create a template that describes all the AWS resources that you want (like Amazon EC2 instances or Amazon RDS DB instances), and AWS CloudFormation takes care of provisioning and configuring those resources for you. A CloudFormation template has an optional Outputs section which declares output values that you can import into other stacks (to create cross-stack references), return in response (to describe stack calls), or view on the AWS CloudFormation console. For example, you can output the S3 bucket name for a stack to make the bucket easier to find. You can use the Export Output Values to export the name of the resource output for a cross-stack reference. For each AWS account, export names must be unique within a region. In this case, we would have a conflict within us-east-2.
  • AWS Elastic Beanstalk provides an environment to easily deploy and run applications in the cloud. It is integrated with developer tools and provides a one-stop experience for you to manage the lifecycle of your applications. AWS Elastic Beanstalk lets you manage all of the resources that run your application as environments where each environment runs only a single application version at a time. When an environment is being created, Elastic Beanstalk provisions all the required resources needed to run the application version. You don’t need to worry about server provisioning, configuration, and deployment as that’s taken care of by Beanstalk. -


  • User Data is generally used to perform common automated configuration tasks and even run scripts after the instance starts. When you launch an instance in Amazon EC2, you can pass two types of user data - shell scripts and cloud-init directives. You can also pass this data into the launch wizard as plain text or as a file. By default, scripts entered as user data are executed with root user privileges - Scripts entered as user data are executed as the root user, hence do not need the sudo command in the script. Any files you create will be owned by root; if you need non-root users to have file access, you should modify the permissions accordingly in the script. By default, user data runs only during the boot cycle when you first launch an instance - By default, user data scripts and cloud-init directives run only during the boot cycle when you first launch an instance. You can update your configuration to ensure that your user data scripts and cloud-init directives run every time you restart your instance.
  • The security group of the EC2 instance does not allow for traffic from the security group of the Application Load Balancer. The route for the health check is misconfigured You must ensure that your load balancer can communicate with registered targets on both the listener port and the health check port. Whenever you add a listener to your load balancer or update the health check port for a target group used by the load balancer to route requests, you must verify that the security groups associated with the load balancer allow traffic on the new port in both directions.
  • ALB access logs - Elastic Load Balancing provides access logs that capture detailed information about requests sent to your load balancer. Each log contains information such as the time the request was received, the client’s IP address, latencies, request paths, and server responses. You can use these access logs to analyze traffic patterns and troubleshoot issues. Access logging is an optional feature of Elastic Load Balancing that is disabled by default.
  • X-Ray. AWS X-Ray helps developers analyze and debug production, distributed applications, such as those built using a microservices architecture. With X-Ray, you can understand how your application and its underlying services are performing to identify and troubleshoot the root cause of performance issues and errors. X-Ray provides an end-to-end view of requests as they travel through your application, and shows a map of your application’s underlying components. You can use X-Ray to collect data across AWS Accounts. The X-Ray agent can assume a role to publish data into an account different from the one in which it is running. This enables you to publish data from various components of your application into a central account.
  • HTTP 503 - HTTP 503 indicates ‘Service unavailable’ error. This error in ALB is an indicator of the target groups for the load balancer having no registered targets.
  • X-Ray sampling. By customizing sampling rules, you can control the amount of data that you record, and modify sampling behavior on the fly without modifying or redeploying your code. Sampling rules tell the X-Ray SDK how many requests to record for a set of criteria. X-Ray SDK applies a sampling algorithm to determine which requests get traced however because our application is failing to send data to X-Ray it does not help in determining the cause of failure.


  • AWS Certificate Manager - AWS Certificate Manager (ACM) is the preferred tool to provision, manage, and deploy server certificates. With ACM you can request a certificate or deploy an existing ACM or external certificate to AWS resources. Certificates provided by ACM are free and automatically renew. In a supported Region, you can use ACM to manage server certificates from the console or programmatically. IAM - IAM is used as a certificate manager only when you must support HTTPS connections in a Region that is not supported by ACM. IAM securely encrypts your private keys and stores the encrypted version in IAM SSL certificate storage. IAM supports deploying server certificates in all Regions, but you must obtain your certificate from an external provider for use with AWS. You cannot upload an ACM certificate to IAM. Additionally, you cannot manage your certificates from the IAM Console.
  • Use Cognito Authentication via Cognito Identity Pools for your Application Load Balancer - There is no such thing as using Cognito Authentication via Cognito Identity Pools for managing user authentication for the application. Application-specific user authentication can be provided via Cognito User Pools. Amazon Cognito identity pools provide temporary AWS credentials for users who are guests (unauthenticated) and for users who have been authenticated and received a token.Use Cognito Authentication via Cognito User Pools for your CloudFront distribution. Use Cognito Authentication via Cognito Identity Pools for your CloudFront distribution. You cannot use Cognito Authentication with CloudFront distribution, so both these options are incorrect.
  • For Amazon CloudFront, you use key pairs to create signed URLs for private content, such as when you want to distribute restricted content that someone paid for. CloudFront Key Pairs - IAM users can’t create CloudFront key pairs. You must log in using root credentials to create key pairs.
  • SMS text message-based MFA - A type of MFA in which the IAM user settings include the phone number of the user’s SMS-compatible mobile device. When the user signs in, AWS sends a six-digit numeric code by SMS text message to the user’s mobile device. The user is required to type that code on a second webpage during sign-in. SMS-based MFA is available only for IAM users, you cannot use this type of MFA with the AWS account root user.
  • Secrets Manager. AWS Secrets Manager enables you to easily rotate, manage, and retrieve database credentials, API keys, and other secrets throughout their lifecycle. Users and applications retrieve secrets with a call to Secrets Manager APIs, eliminating the need to hardcode sensitive information in plain text. Secrets Manager offers secret rotation with built-in integration for Amazon RDS, Amazon Redshift, and Amazon DocumentDB.
  • Access Advisor feature on IAM console- To help identify the unused roles, IAM reports the last-used timestamp that represents when a role was last used to make an AWS request. Your security team can use this information to identify, analyze, and then confidently remove unused roles. This helps improve the security posture of your AWS environments. Additionally, by removing unused roles, you can simplify your monitoring and auditing efforts by focusing only on roles that are in use.
  • “Configure an SSL/TLS certificate on an Application Load Balancer via AWS Certificate Manager (ACM)”. “Create an HTTPS listener on the Application Load Balancer with SSL termination”. An Application load balancer distributes incoming application traffic across multiple targets, such as EC2 instances, in multiple Availability Zones. A listener checks for connection requests from clients, using the protocol and port that you configure. The rules that you define for a listener determine how the load balancer routes requests to its registered targets. Each rule consists of a priority, one or more actions, and one or more conditions. To use an HTTPS listener, you must deploy at least one SSL/TLS server certificate on your load balancer. You can create an HTTPS listener, which uses encrypted connections (also known as SSL offload). This feature enables traffic encryption between your load balancer and the clients that initiate SSL or TLS sessions. As the EC2 instances are under heavy CPU load, the load balancer will use the server certificate to terminate the front-end connection and then decrypt requests from clients before sending them to the EC2 instances.


  • Use Kinesis Data Streams to process the data streams as well as decouple the producers and consumers for the real-time data processor. Amazon Kinesis Data Streams is useful for rapidly moving data off data producers and then continuously processing the data, be it to transform the data before emitting to a data store, run real-time metrics and analytics, or derive more complex data streams for further processing. Kinesis data streams can continuously capture gigabytes of data per second from hundreds of thousands of sources such as website clickstreams, database event streams, financial transactions, social media feeds, IT logs, and location-tracking events.


  • Auto Scaling groups that span across multiple Regions need to be enabled for all the Regions specified - This is an incorrect statement. Auto Scaling groups cannot span across multiple Regions. An Auto Scaling group can contain EC2 instances in only one Availability Zone of a Region - This is an incorrect statement. An Auto Scaling group can contain EC2 instances in one or more Availability Zones within the same Region.
  • Reserved Instances offer significant savings on Amazon EC2 costs compared to On-Demand Instance pricing. A Reserved Instance can be purchased for a one-year or three-year commitment, with the three-year commitment offering a bigger discount. Reserved instances come with two offering classes - Standard or Convertible. Convertible Reserved instances - A Convertible Reserved Instance can be exchanged during the term for another Convertible Reserved Instance with new attributes including instance family, instance type, platform, scope, or tenancy. This is the best fit for the current requirement.
  • Use API Gateway Usage Plans. Amazon API Gateway is an AWS service for creating, publishing, maintaining, monitoring, and securing REST, HTTP, and WebSocket APIs at any scale. API developers can create APIs that access AWS or other web services, as well as data stored in the AWS Cloud. A usage plan specifies who can access one or more deployed API stages and methods—and also how much and how fast they can access them. The plan uses API keys to identify API clients and meters access to the associated API stages for each key. You can configure usage plans and API keys to allow customers to access selected APIs at agreed-upon request rates and quotas that meet their business requirements and budget constraints.
  • Set up reserved concurrency for the Lambda function B so that it throttles if it goes above a certain concurrency limit. Concurrency is the number of requests that a Lambda function is serving at any given time. If a Lambda function is invoked again while a request is still being processed, another instance is allocated, which increases the function’s concurrency. To ensure that a function can always reach a certain level of concurrency, you can configure the function with reserved concurrency. When a function has reserved concurrency, no other function can use that concurrency. More importantly, reserved concurrency also limits the maximum concurrency for the function, and applies to the function as a whole, including versions and aliases.
  • .ebextensions/.config : You can add AWS Elastic Beanstalk configuration files (.ebextensions) to your web application's source code to configure your environment and customize the AWS resources that it contains. Configuration files are YAML or JSON formatted documents with a .config file extension that you place in a folder named .ebextensions and deploy in your application source bundle.
  • Create an IAM role in account B with access to DynamoDB. Modify the trust policy of the role in Account B to allow the execution role of Lambda to assume this role. Update the Lambda function code to add the AssumeRole API call. You can give a Lambda function created in one account (“account A”) permissions to assume a role from another account (“account B”) to access resources such as DynamoDB or S3 bucket. You need to create an execution role in Account A that gives the Lambda function permission to do its work. Then you need to create a role in account B that the Lambda function in account A assumes to gain access to the cross-account DynamoDB table. Make sure that you modify the trust policy of the role in Account B to allow the execution role of Lambda to assume this role. Finally, update the Lambda function code to add the AssumeRole API call.
  • Burstable performance instances, which are T3, T3a, and T2 instances, are designed to provide a baseline level of CPU performance with the ability to burst to a higher level when required by your workload. Burstable performance instances are the only instance types that use credits for CPU usage. 0 seconds - AWS states that, if your AWS account is less than 12 months old, you can use a t2.micro instance for free within certain usage limits.


  • ECS:Amazon Elastic Container Service (Amazon ECS) is a highly scalable, fast, container management service that makes it easy to run, stop, and manage Docker containers on a cluster. You can host your cluster on a serverless infrastructure that is managed by Amazon ECS by launching your services or tasks using the Fargate launch type. For more control over your infrastructure, you can host your tasks on a cluster of Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) instances that you manage by using the EC2 launch type. Amazon ECS can be used to create a consistent deployment and build experience, manage, and scale batch and Extract-Transform-Load (ETL) workloads, and build sophisticated application architectures on a microservices model. Amazon Elastic Container Registry (ECR) is a fully-managed Docker container registry that makes it easy for developers to store, manage, and deploy Docker container images. Amazon ECR is integrated with Amazon Elastic Container Service (ECS), simplifying your development to production workflow.