
AWS Amazon S3 intro

Amazon S3

  • one of the main building blocks of AWS
  • It’s advertised as ”infinitely scaling” storage
  • It’s widely popular and deserves its own section
  • Many websites use Amazon S3 as a backbone
  • Many AWS services uses Amazon S3 as an integration as well
  • We’ll have a step-by-step approach to S3

    Amazon S3 allows people to store objects (files) in “buckets” (directories)

  • Buckets must have a globally unique name
  • Buckets are defined at the region level
  • Naming convention
  • No uppercase
  • No underscore
  • 3-63 characters long
  • Not an IP
  • Must start with lowercase letter or number

    Amazon S3 Overview - Objects

  • Objects (files) have a Key
  • The key is the FULL path: • s3://my-bucket/my_file.txt • s3://my-bucket/my_folder1/another_folder/my_file.txt
  • The key is composed of prefix + object name • s3://my-bucket/my_folder1/another_folder/my_file.txt
  • There’s no concept of “directories” within buckets (although the UI will trick you to think otherwise)
  • Just keys with very long names that contain slashes (“/”)

    Amazon S3 Overview – Objects (continued)

  • Object values are the content of the body:
  • Max Object Size is 5TB (5000GB)
  • If uploading more than 5GB, must use “multi-part upload”
  • Metadata (list of text key / value pairs – system or user metadata)
  • Tags (Unicode key / value pair – up to 10) – useful for security / lifecycle
  • Version ID (if versioning is enabled)

    Amazon S3 - Versioning

  • You can version your files in Amazon S3
  • It is enabled at the bucket level
  • Same key overwrite will increment the “version”: 1, 2, 3….
  • It is best practice to version your buckets
  • Protect against unintended deletes (ability to restore a version)
  • Easy roll back to previous version
  • Notes: • Any file that is not versioned prior to enabling versioning will have version “null” • Suspending versioning does not delete the previous versions

    S3 Encryption for Objects

  • There are 4 methods of encrypting objects in S3
  • SSE-S3: encrypts S3 objects using keys handled & managed by AWS
  • SSE-KMS: leverage AWS Key Management Service to manage encryption keys
  • SSE-C: when you want to manage your own encryption keys
  • Client Side Encryption
  • It’s important to understand which ones are adapted to which situation for the exam


  • SSE-S3: encryption using keys handled & managed by Amazon S3
  • Object is encrypted server side
  • AES-256 encryption type
  • Must set header: “x-amz-server-side-encryption”: “AES256”


  • SSE-KMS: encryption using keys handled & managed by KMS
  • KMS Advantages: user control + audit trail
  • Object is encrypted server side
  • Must set header: “x-amz-server-side-encryption”: ”aws:kms”


  • SSE-C: server-side encryption using data keys fully managed by the customer outside of AWS
  • Amazon S3 does not store the encryption key you provide
  • HTTPS must be used
  • Encryption key must provided in HTTP headers, for every HTTP request made

    Client Side Encryption

  • Client library such as the Amazon S3 Encryption Client
  • Clients must encrypt data themselves before sending to S3
  • Clients must decrypt data themselves when retrieving from S3
  • Customer fully manages the keys and encryption cycle

    Encryption in transit (SSL/TLS)

  • Amazon S3 exposes:
  • HTTP endpoint: non encrypted
  • HTTPS endpoint: encryption in flight
  • You’re free to use the endpoint you want, but HTTPS is recommended
  • Most clients would use the HTTPS endpoint by default
  • HTTPS is mandatory for SSE-C
  • Encryption in flight is also called SSL / TLS

    S3 Security

  • User based
  • IAM policies - which API calls should be allowed for a specific user from IAM console
  • Resource Based
  • Bucket Policies - bucket wide rules from the S3 console - allows cross account
  • Object Access Control List (ACL) – finer grain
  • Bucket Access Control List (ACL) – less common
  • Note: an IAM principal can access an S3 object if
  • the user IAM permissions allow it OR the resource policy ALLOWS it
  • AND there’s no explicit DENY

    S3 Bucket Policies

    JSON based policies

  • Resources: buckets and objects
  • Actions: Set of API to Allow or Deny
  • Effect: Allow / Deny
  • Principal: The account or user to apply the policy to
  • Use S3 bucket for policy to:
  • Grant public access to the bucket
  • Force objects to be encrypted at upload
  • Grant access to another account (Cross Account)

    Bucket settings for Block Public Access

  • Block public access to buckets and objects granted through
  • new access control lists (ACLs)
  • any access control lists (ACLs)
  • new public bucket or access point policies
  • Block public and cross-account access to buckets and objects through any public bucket or access point policies
  • These settings were created to prevent company data leaks
  • If you know your bucket should never be public, leave these on
  • Can be set at the account level

    S3 Security - Other

  • Networking:
  • Supports VPC Endpoints (for instances in VPC without www internet)
  • Logging and Audit:
  • S3 Access Logs can be stored in other S3 bucket
  • API calls can be logged in AWS CloudTrail
  • User Security:
  • MFA Delete: MFA (multi factor authentication) can be required in versioned buckets to delete objects
  • Pre-Signed URLs: URLs that are valid only for a limited time (ex: premium video service for logged in users)

    S3 Websites

  • S3 can host static websites and have them accessible on the www
  • The website URL will be: • OR •
  • If you get a 403 (Forbidden) error, make sure the bucket policy allows public reads!

    CORS - Explained

  • An origin is a scheme (protocol), host (domain) and port • E.g.: (implied port is 443 for HTTPS, 80 for HTTP)
  • CORS means Cross-Origin Resource Sharing
  • Web Browser based mechanism to allow requests to other origins while visiting the main origin
  • Same origin: &
  • Different origins: &
  • The requests won’t be fulfilled unless the other origin allows for the requests, using CORS Headers (ex: Access-Control-Allow-Origin)

    S3 CORS

  • If a client does a cross-origin request on our S3 bucket, we need to enable the correct CORS headers
  • It’s a popular exam question
  • You can allow for a specific origin or for * (all origins)

    Amazon S3 - Consistency Model

  • Read after write consistency for PUTS of new objects
  • As soon as a new object is written, we can retrieve it ex: (PUT 200 => GET 200)
  • This is true, except if we did a GET before to see if the object existed ex: (GET 404 => PUT 200 => GET 404) – eventually consistent
  • Eventual Consistency for DELETES and PUTS of existing objects
  • If we read an object after updating, we might get the older version ex: (PUT 200 => PUT 200 => GET 200 (might be older version))
  • If we delete an object, we might still be able to retrieve it for a short time ex: (DELETE 200 => GET 200)
  • Note: there’s no way to request “strong consistency”


  • I tried creating an S3 bucket named “dev” but it didn’t work. This is a new AWS Account and I have no buckets at all. What is the cause?-Bucket names must be globally unique and “dev” is already taken
  • You’ve added files in your bucket and then enabled versioning. The files you’ve already added will have which version?-null
  • Your client wants to make sure the encryption is happening in S3, but wants to fully manage the encryption keys and never store them in AWS. You recommend:- SSE-C
  • Your company wants data to be encrypted in S3, and maintain control of the rotation policy for the encryption keys. You recommend:-SSE-KMS
  • Your company does not trust S3 for encryption and wants it to happen on the application. You recommend:-Client Side Encryption
  • The bucket policy allows our users to read/write files in the bucket, yet we were not able to perform a PutObject API call. What is your assessment?-Explicit DENY in an IAM policy will take precedence over a bucket policy permission. The IAM user has an explicit DENY in the attached IAM policy
  • You have a website that loads files from another S3 bucket. When you try the URL of the files directly in your Chrome browser it works, but when the website you’re visiting tries to load these files it doesn’t. What’s the problem?- CORS is not enabled
  • Which encryption method requires HTTPS?-SSE-C