
AWS Route 53

AWS Route 53

  • TTL
  • CNAME vs Alias
  • Health Checks
  • Routing Policies • Simple • Weighted • Latency • Failover • Geolocation • Multi Value
  • 3rd party domains integration

AWS Route 53 Overview

  • Route53 is a Managed DNS (Domain Name System)
  • DNS is a collection of rules and records which helps clients understand how to reach a server through URLs.
  • In AWS, the most common records are: • A: hostname to IPv4 • AAAA: hostname to IPv6 • CNAME: hostname to hostname • Alias: hostname to AWS resource.

    Route 53 – Diagram for A Record

    AWS Route 53 Overview

  • Route53 can use: • public domain names you own (or buy) • private domain names that can be resolved by your instances in your VPCs.
  • Route53 has advanced features such as: • Load balancing (through DNS – also called client load balancing) • Health checks (although limited…) • Routing policy: simple, failover, geolocation, latency, weighted, multi value
  • You pay $0.50 per month per hosted zone

    DNS Records TTL (Time to Live)

  • High TTL: (e.g. 24hr) • Less traffic on DNS • Possibly outdated records
  • Low TTL: (e.g 60 s) • More traffic on DNS • Records are outdated for less time • Easy to change records
  • TTL is mandatory for each DNS record

    CNAME vs Alias

  • AWS Resources (Load Balancer, CloudFront…) expose an AWS hostname: and you want
  • CNAME: • Points a hostname to any other hostname. ( => • ONLY FOR NON ROOT DOMAIN (aka.
  • Alias: • Points a hostname to an AWS Resource ( => • Works for ROOT DOMAIN and NON ROOT DOMAIN (aka • Free of charge • Native health check

    Simple Routing Policy

    • Maps a hostname to another hostname • Use when you need to redirect to a single resource • You can’t attach health checks to simple routing policy • If multiple values are returned, a random one is chosen by the client

    Weighted Routing Policy

  • Control the % of the requests that go to specific endpoint
  • Helpful to test 1% of traffic on new app version for example
  • Helpful to split traffic between two regions
  • Can be associated with Health Checks

    Latency Routing Policy

  • Redirect to the server that has the least latency close to us
  • Super helpful when latency of users is a priority
  • Latency is evaluated in terms of user to designated AWS Region
  • Germany may be directed to the US (if that’s the lowest latency)

    Health Checks

  • Have X health checks failed => unhealthy (default 3)
  • After X health checks passed => health (default 3)
  • Default Health Check Interval: 30s (can set to 10s – higher cost)
  • About 15 health checkers will check the endpoint health
  • => one request every 2 seconds on average
  • Can have HTTP, TCP and HTTPS health checks (no SSL verification)
  • Possibility of integrating the health check with CloudWatch
  • Health checks can be linked to Route53 DNS queries!

    Geo Location Routing Policy

  • Different from Latency based!
  • This is routing based on user location
  • Here we specify: traffic from the UK should go to this specific IP
  • Should create a “default” policy (in case there’s no match on location)

    Multi Value Routing Policy

  • Use when routing traffic to multiple resources
  • Want to associate a Route 53 health checks with records
  • Up to 8 healthy records are returned for each Multi Value query
  • Multi Value is not a substitute for having an ELB

    Route53 as a Registrar

  • A domain name registrar is an organization that manages the reservation of Internet domain names
  • Famous names: • GoDaddy • Google Domains • Etc… • And also… Route53 (e.g. AWS)!
  • Domain Registrar != DNS

    3rd Party Registrar with AWS Route 53

  • If you buy your domain on 3rd party website, you can still use Route53. • 1) Create a Hosted Zone in Route 53 • 2) Update NS Records on 3rd party website to use Route 53 name servers
  • Domain Registrar != DNS • (But each domain registrar usually comes with some DNS features)


  • You are launching an EC2 instance in us-east-1 using this Python script snippet: (we will see SDK in a later section, for now just look at the code reference ImageId) ec2.create_instances(ImageId=’ami-b23a5e7’, MinCount=1, MaxCount=1) It works well, so you decide to deploy your script in us-west-1 as well. There, the script does not work and fails with “ami not found” error. What’s the problem?:AMI is region locked and the same ID cannot be used across regions
  • You would like to deploy a database technology and the vendor license bills you based on the physical cores and underlying network socket visibility. Which EC2 launch modes allow you to get visibility into them?:Dedicated Hosts
  • You are running a critical workload of three hours per week, on Monday. As a solutions architect, which EC2 Instance Launch Type should you choose to maximize the cost savings while ensuring the application stability?:Scheduled Reserved Instances
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