
AWS Serverless Step functions and AppSync

AWS Step Functions

  • Build serverless visual workflow to orchestrate your Lambda functions
  • Represent flow as a JSON state machine
  • Features: sequence, parallel, conditions, timeouts, error handling…
  • Can also integrate with EC2, ECS, On premise servers, API Gateway
  • Maximum execution time of 1 year
  • Possibility to implement human approval feature
  • Use cases: • Order fulfillment • Data processing • Web applications • Any workflow

    Step Functions – Error Handling

  • Any state can encounter runtime errors for various reasons: • State machine definition issues (for example, no matching rule in a Choice state) • Task failures (for example, an exception in a Lambda function) • Transient issues (for example, network partition events)
  • By default, when a state reports an error, AWS Step Functions causes the execution to fail entirely.
  • Retrying failures - Retry: IntervalSeconds, MaxAttempts, BackoffRate
  • Moving on - Catch: ErrorEquals, Next
  • Best practice is to include data in the error messages

    Step Functions – Standard vs Express

  • Standard: 1 year max duration. Execution rate 2k per sec, state trans 4k per account. Price per transition. Exactly once workflow execution
  • Express: 5min max duration, over 100k per sec, price by number of execution you run, duration, memory. At least once workflow exec.

    AWS AppSync - Overview

  • AppSync is a managed service that uses GraphQL
  • GraphQL makes it easy for applications to get exactly the data they need.
  • This includes combining data from one or more sources • NoSQL data stores, Relational databases, HTTP APIs… • Integrates with DynamoDB, Aurora, Elasticsearch & others • Custom sources with AWS Lambda
  • Retrieve data in real-time with WebSocket or MQTT on WebSocket
  • For mobile apps: local data access & data synchronization
  • It all starts with uploading one GraphQL schema

    AppSync – Security

  • There are four ways you can authorize applications to interact with your AWS AppSync GraphQL API:
  • AWS_IAM: IAM users / roles / cross-account access
  • OPENID_CONNECT: OpenID Connect provider / JSON Web Token
  • For custom domain & HTTPS, use CloudFront in front of AppSync


  • You need to orchestrate multiple Lambda functions and wait for the result of all of them before making a final computation. What do you recommend:Use Step functions parallel steps and then one final computation step
  • Which of the following does NOT allow for a real-time WebSocket API?:DynamoDB on its own does not push changes to the users and does not have a two-way communication. It’s just a request/response database