
AWS Serverless SAM


  • SAM = Serverless Application Model
  • Framework for developing and deploying serverless applications
  • All the configuration is YAML code
  • Generate complex CloudFormation from simple SAM YAML file
  • Supports anything from CloudFormation: Outputs, Mappings, Parameters, Resources…
  • Only two commands to deploy to AWS
  • SAM can use CodeDeploy to deploy Lambda functions
  • SAM can help you to run Lambda, API Gateway, DynamoDB locally

AWS SAM – Recipe

  • Transform Header indicates it’s SAM template: • Transform: ‘AWS::Serverless-2016-10-31’
  • Write Code • AWS::Serverless::Function • AWS::Serverless::Api • AWS::Serverless::SimpleTable
  • Package & Deploy: • aws cloudformation package / sam package • aws cloudformation deploy / sam deploy

Deep dive into SAM deployment

  • aws cloudformation package • SAM Template YAML file trasnform into • app code +swagger zip and upload to code S3 bucket
  • aws cloudformation deploy • Generated Template CloudFormation YAML • Create and execute change set to stack

SAM Policy Templates

  • List of templates to apply permissions to your Lambda Functions
  • Full list available here: latest/developerguide/serverlesspolicy- templates.html#serverless-policytemplate- table
  • Important examples: • S3ReadPolicy: Gives read only permissions to objects in S3 • SQSPollerPolicy: Allows to poll an SQS queue • DynamoDBCrudPolicy: CRUD = create read update delete

SAM and CodeDeploy

  • SAM framework natively uses CodeDeploy to update Lambda functions
  • Traffic Shifting feature
  • Pre and Post traffic hooks features to validate deployment (before the traffic shift starts and after it ends)
  • Easy & automated rollback using CloudWatch Alarm

SAM – Exam Summary

  • SAM is built on CloudFormation
  • SAM requires the Transform and Resources sections
  • Commands to know: • sam build: fetch dependencies and create local deployment artifacts • sam package: package and upload to Amazon S3, generate CF template • sam deploy: deploy to CloudFormation
  • SAM Policy templates for easy IAM policy definition
  • SAM is integrated with CodeDeploy to do deploy to Lambda aliases


  • What are the two commands to run to upload Lambda functions and CloudFormation templates to AWS?:cloudformation package and cloudformation deploy
  • You have a CloudFormation template and it starts with:Transform: ‘AWS::Serverless-2016-10-31’What does the Transform represent?: its a SAM template
  • Which of the following is NOT an added resource type by Serverless Application Model?: AWS::Serverless::UserPool
  • Which Policy should you insert in your serverless model template to give buckets access for read access?:S3ReadPolicy